Looking for something fun and exciting to do after school? 

Our After School Enrichment Programs got you covered.




Birchwood PTO coordinates with teachers to offer a variety of After School Enrichment Programs (ASEP) for our students to participate in.


Click here for the Schedule


The winter session will run for five weeks, beginning on Monday, January 27. *Due to use of space and equipment, GYMNASTICS has different Winter ASEP schedules than the rest of the offerings. Parents, please note that your child can sign up for gymnastics as well as the regular ASEP classes because the schedules do not overlap. All programs will be held immediately after school in Birchwood classrooms and will run until 3:10 PM once per week. Students who attend KidsTime can participate in ASEP and go to KidsTime at the end of their program at 3:10. All fees are to cover cost of programs. Scholarships are available.


Refresh this page, the day of! ASEP REGISTRATION will be available under New Forms.





1. Login to your account on the PTO website

2. Click "My Account" under the menu options.

3. Click "Click here" if you are trying to update your directory information" under Edit Profile.

4. Update Parent Information then click "next step." 

5. Update student information with CURRENT grade level and teacher then click "save". 


NOTE: without this update before registration opens for winter ASEP, you will NOT be able to find the class your student would like to participate in.




Grades K-5


Join us for some gymnastics fun which will include tumbling, the balance beam, uneven bars, vault and more! Max 50 students. $46


Gymnastics will meet in the gym on the following Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:10-3:10: 1/8, 1/9, 1/15, 1/16, & 1/22. Make-up Dates: 1/23 and 1/30.





Do you know a business that would like to sponsor our school? Sponsors will receive a logo on our Home Page!  Email the PTO Fundraising VP to inquire.